Here is Elias making some important calls out on the lanai.

One of the boys' favorite activities is the walk around the complex, picking hibiscus and looking for wildlife. We would see various little lizards and geckos everywhere, but iguanas were the big sighting. We would also do daily checks for blue land crabs, turtles in the pond, pelicans and ibis.

Here is a particularly good iguana sighting. We think this is a mother and baby pair, enjoying a sunbath on the docks overlooking the Inter-Coastal waterway.

Grannie and Sam made scrumptious chocolate and peanut-butter cupcakes for us all one afternoon. What a treat! Elias helped with the cleanup.

Sam, with the finished product. Yum!

It didn't take long for everyone to realize that the quickest way to Patch's heart is definitely through his stomach. Great-grandma Jane loved sharing little treats with him, and as you can see, Patchie rather enjoyed it himself!

And what trip to Florida is complete without a ride on Grampa's snazzy red scooter?

All in all, a great way to end our summer.