Saturday, May 26, 2012

Poetry by Patch*

An old tulip
A harsh wind blows
The sound of wind

*inspired by Magic Tree House book, Dragon of the Red Dawn

Friday, May 18, 2012

Around our house lately...

there's been lots of reading...(always)

passion flowers in bloom,

old man Sam working on his cross stitch homework, (against all odds, he WILL complete this project before school lets out for the summer!)

carrots in love,

animal bingo,

food made into ships

sidewalk painting,

and the first bee sting of the season.

What's been going on at your house lately?

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Quote of the Day

From Atticus, while checking himself out in the mirror after trying on some new underwear:

"These look kind of fabulous!"


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

I am very lucky to be able to spend my days with these boys. They have done more than make me a mother- they have shown me how to truly love, laugh, and believe in myself.
I was so happy to be able to spend some time with my own mother today, who is a true master in the fine art of mothering. She has taught (and still teaches) me so much!
And to all the other mothers in my life- my wonderful, supportive mothers-in-law, my incredible grandmothers, my sweet sisters-in-law, my loving friends...I love you all and so appreciate all the hard work you have done over the years toward this most important job of mothering. At the end of the day, no job is as challenging or as rewarding!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Happiness is...

Sitting on the couch, with my oldest boy- he works on his cross-stitch project and I knit, while we listen to Harry Potter together.