Following closely on the heels of Grandma B., was the arrival of Grannie, coming from Florida on a ONE WAY ticket. Yes, that's right, Grannie is here to stay!!! What once seemed like an impossibility has become our reality. Mom and Dad (Grandpa Mustache) made the big decision to leave their sun drenched lives in southern Florida and join us here in Napa. G.M. is currently driving their car across the country and will be joining Grannie here in a week or so. For the time being, they will stay with us, until a suitable rental is found. We are
so excited to have them living close to us- I can still hardly believe it's true!!
And, to add to the excitement, just a few days after Grannie arrived, Morgan, Rachel, and Milo blew into town. We were expecting them later in the summer, but we are thrilled to have them here with us. As soon as Grandpa M. arrives, the full Schwartz/Mosher contingent will be together!!
Grannie, with all her little boys.

Sweet Milo and Mama Rachel.

The beautiful table Sam and Grannie put together for the first of many "Pancake Sundays".