We've been having a great run of visitors this summer, entertaining more people in the month of July than we have the whole time we've lived here, I think! It was so fun to watch the little boys together- Sam, Elias, and Milo had a great time together (for the most part anyway!) and I loved spending time with my big brother and sister-in-law Rachel. We also had my cousin Jake here for a week or so, a great guy, who we all enjoyed getting to know better. This was most especially true of Patchie, who grew very attached to Jake during his time with us. He referred to him solely as, "My friend Jake", following him around with endless requests to play or read. It was pretty adorable! And of course, we are having a great time with Grannie and Grampa M. They are slowly settling into life here in Napa, and are still looking for a permanent place to live. The boys are thrilled to have a set of doting grandparents here and love spending time together, which means that Jeff and I get to wild and crazy things like see the new Batman movie mere
days it was released in the theaters. Will wonders never cease!
Artists at work.

Bonding in the pack n play.

My friend Jake.

Serious Lego business.

What wine should we choose, Milo?

By far, this little guitar was Milo's favorite toy. We think he is a natural.

Hanging out in Golden Gate Park.

"Helping" Grannie brush her hair.