And no baby yet...
Not that I really expected one today, but you can't help but feel a little excitement and wonder on this day. Both boys came after their "due dates", so this one is already falling into line with his brothers! I'm not too anxious to be done with this pregnancy yet, and knowing that the babe will be here for sure in the next couple of weeks is good enough for me. Right now I'm just trying to stay relaxed, rested, and well hydrated. Jeff's started his new job and Sam is back at school, so it is pretty quiet around the house these days. I've managed to work in a nap the past three days in a row (thanks Mom!), which has been pretty great. We've got all of our homebirth supplies gathered and assembled in the corner of the dining room and lots of little tiny clothes and diapers waiting in the bedroom.
Did you hear that baby- we are ready for you! Come on out!