Monday, March 28, 2011

Quote of the day

Last week we visited some friends who live about an hour away. To pass the time, we all played a couple of games of 20 Questions. Just yesterday, Patchie and I were driving to pick up Sam at school, when he says, "Hey mom- let's play that fun game again!" "What game?" I ask. "You know, Hundreds of Questions!"

I love that kid.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Quote of the day

So they tell me it is spring, but you would never know if from the weather we've been having here lately. Cold and so so rainy. It feels like it has been raining for months. I hesitate to complain about the weather in Northern Cali, as I know many of you have experienced a really bad winter this year. A Real Winter. But, with three little boys, being stuck indoors day after day due to high winds and incredibly hard, driving rain is no picnic either.

Today Patch and decided to bring a little spring-y cheer into our house. We call it the butterfly effect and it is definitely sweet and cheery.

Don't you agree?

While we were making these little lovelies, Patch casually remarks, "Wouldn't it be a good idea to put a persian rabbit on one of these?

Hmmmm....Your guess is as good as mine!

Thursday, March 17, 2011


My boys seem to have a flare for the dramatic. I would not say that they are especially emotional or high strung- in fact they seem to generally be a pretty mild mannered group. But they do all love to dress up and imagine they are someone else. This urge seems to hit pretty young, and arrives with a penchant for accessories. As you can see here, Atti has outfitted himself with an over-sized hat, a back pack, a cooler bag, and a water bottle. I'm not sure where he is going, or what he will be doing, but it looks like he will be well prepared when he gets there!

Kind of reminds me of this boy...

And this one too...

Do you think think they might be related?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Quote of the day

We are having quite a heavy rainstorm right now. Patch and I are at the back door, watching it come down, when Patch remarks, "It's like a rain of arrows." And, indeed it is!

This is obviously an old picture of Patchie, but such a good one! I came across it while browsing through our photos recently and had to share it (again, probably, as I am quite sure it has made it's appearance on this blog before!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Quote of the day

Overhead in the kitchen this evening-
Patch: "Dad, what are we having for dinner tonight?"
Jeff: "Crab cake tacos and cabbage salad." (This is a riff on fish tacos, for anyone wondering)
Patch: "Oh! I had crab crackers at Trader Joe's this morning!"
Jeff: "Really? I've never heard of those..."
Patch:"Yup, crab crackers were in my tomato soup."
Jeff: "Ok."

(The sample at TJ's today was tomato soup with oyster crackers.)