Happy December and sorry for the big blog delay. My camera has been acting up and frustrating me, so I've been avoiding using it as of late. We've also been busy, with work and play and school- all the usual stuff, but everything seems to take longer and go slower with a basketball size protrusion sticking out from my mid-section! I finished up with work last week and Sam has just two more days of school until his holiday break begins. We are all looking forward to some relaxing time together before our new babe makes his entrance into this world, which is hopefully a good few weeks away still. It's been wonderful having Jeff home lately- he has been logging in lots of extra lego time with the boys and kitchen time, preparing yummy meals for all of us. I've been able to relax a bit more, even working in some yoga and naps over the past couple of weeks. While none of us are happy that Copia shut down, the unexpected bonus of having Jeff around is pretty great.
Here are a few new pictures that I managed to snap today- hopefully there will be more coming soon!
Sam is doing tons of artwork these days- mostly drawings of ninjas and knights. Here is our resident artist at work.

Elias, sporting his new favorite overalls, cooking up some tasty wooden food for us in his kitchen.

This is how I found the boys this morning when I got out of bed. Sam had gotten them each a bowl of dry cereal and they were happily reading together on the couch. So sweet!

Oh yeah- and here I am, with said protrusion.
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