I swear just a minute ago he looked like this:

He was so small and precious. Such a beautiful newborn who slept SO much and fit into your arms perfectly, this tiny, warm little bundle. I just loved having this new sweet smelling baby. And, now 6 months later I get to have Atti, whose personality is starting to emerge, whose voice is getting louder as he demands to be heard above the ruckus caused by two older brothers. Who maybe doesn't sleep as much (or anywhere near as much, truthfully), but who is no less adorable because of it. He only becomes more lovable as I get to know him better. Atti has a smile that is like the sun and a laugh that can brighten up your whole day. Truly. It can.
I am often told what a cute baby he is, so happy and smiley, as he grins at them, toothless and drooly. And I can only say, "Yes, I know. He is." Which always sounds kind of conceited or weird to admit, but really- look at this kid.
Att is getting better at sitting up on his own, but doesn't seem to be in any big hurry to master it, which is just fine by me. I remember all too clearly what comes next, which is full on mobility, which is nothing but trouble. He has discovered his feet- endless entertainment and such handy things to hold on to! He loves to be held and kissed and cuddled and tickled. He likes going for walks and splashing in the tub. Most of all he loves nursing, which is fine by me, as it has created the most delicious assortment of rolls, double chins and fat all over this baby! Yummy.
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