I have not given up on my summer flashback series, but I need to slip in an Atti post here, because, darn it, he is just one super cute baby! And babies this cute need to be shared. So feel free to send me admiring comments, if you are so moved.
Sorry there has been such delays in postings lately, but this household has gotten seriously busy as of late. Two schools, two jobs, three boys = no time for blogging!
Hopefully things will settle down soon. Like in approximately 18 years or so!
I want to eat him up! Seriously you capture the chubby-deliciousness so well. I miss you all and can't wait to get my hands on those kids some day! Love you! rae
I want to eat him up! Seriously you capture the chubby-deliciousness so well. I miss you all and can't wait to get my hands on those kids some day!
Love you!
great new pics full of atti adorablness!
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