My biggest boy is now 8 years old. Amazing and astounding. We've had a wonderful week of celebrating Sam- he's had lots of fun, gotten lots of great gifts, and eaten lots of yummy ice cream! Thanks to everyone who sent a card, gift, or just some plain old love for my big boy. I think 8 will be a big year of growth for Sam- he is learning so much at school, cultivating new interests and hobbbies, and making new friends. He is still a lego maniac, of course, and is WAY into Star Wars. He also loves to read and is learning how to do so on his own. He starts a baseball league in a few weeks, so he's been playing some catch with Jeff and Grandpa Moustache. Sam loves to climb trees and hang from his rope swing. He is sweet and generous, mellow and inquisitive, as well as silly and boisterous. He makes me happy and proud to be his mama!
Star Wars Legos! Heaven in a box!

The neighborhood friends, over for a birthday dinner of hot dogs, fries, and sundaes.

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