My sweet baby boy turned two yesterday. I know I will be repeating myself from birthdays past when I say how fast it has all gone. But it seems especially so with this last babe of mine. These first two years have galloped by and I find myself trying to hold onto his baby-ness, even when his other parent so meanly informs me that he is really not a baby anymore. And while it is true that he is still in diapers and needs a nap everyday, he is reaching that irrefutable point of total boy hood. But still...he loves to snuggle in bed with me every morning, or at least until his demands for food send us into the kitchen. He still has such soft, round cheeks you can't help but kiss and nibble them. His laugh and smile are so infectious and sun-shiny, just as they were when they first appeared. He loves to be read to, but has now reached that age where most of his library consists of truck books. Often, his first word in the morning is "Truck!". Somedays I can hardly believe I have another vehicle loving boy on my hands, and inwardly groan when I see him coming at me with a truck book in hand. But it is very hard to resist his persistent demands and sweet little face. And persistent he is! While me makes us all laugh everyday with his funny faces and antics, he is also sometimes SO insistent, strong willed, and stubborn that it makes my head hurt. He is two.
He loves playing outside, his favorite activities being either mowing or jumping on our trampoline.

Oh yeah- he also really likes snacking.
See what I mean? He's a funny guy! Here he as Indiana Atti.

We had a little party for him last night, just us and Grannie and Grandpa. He opened some gifts, had a yummy dinner and some fabulous cake and "hi-creamy", which is the part of his birthday that he has been talking about for weeks now.
A sweet new elephant from G & G.
Enjoying mac and cheese, salad, and lentils with duck confit is always better with Grannie!
Dessert! Do you think he enjoyed it?
Happy Birthday Sweet Boy. Thanks for sharing all your giggles, smiles, and kisses with us!
Happy happy birthday (belatedly) to Atti! That is a great post Jess!
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