Remember the holidays? I know in my mind they already feel so long ago, but I still wanted to share some pictures of our fun times with you all. We had a great visit with Mo, Rachel, and Milo and I was just too busy having fun to post any pictures last month. Apparently I was also having too much fun to take many good pictures either. No group shots, no food shots, hardly any of our visitors...I was kind of a failure of a photographer this year. Oh well, I guess there is always next year...
So, anyway, back to mid december, and a very few shots from our delish Hanukkah meal- latkes galore, homemade applesauce, roasted veggies, and brisket. Yummy!!
Mo and all the boys
Reading new books!
Sam has been begging me to let him read the 6th Harry Potter. I've been resisting for months, but finally decided he was ready. He was thrilled!!

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