Wow! It's been a really long time! Between computer viruses (yes, again), increased work schedules, baseball practices, less napping, and lots and lots of other things, my blogging time seemed to evaporate there for a bit. It is one of those things that can easily get left by the wayside, especially if you get out of the habit, which I obviously did! So, I won't be making any promises this time, but hopefully I can get back into some more regular posting. I will try!!
Everyone is happy- growing, changing, learning, playing. All the good stuff boys are so adept at! Right now, Atti is in his room looking at some of his books and singing himself a sweet, wordless little ditty. Sam and Patch are playing legos in their room...see? not much as has changed since I was last here!! We are all looking forward to summer, with some more freedom in our schedules- except for Jeff, of course, who will just get busier as the season progresses. Sam loves school still, but is ready for some long, lazy days of playing and hanging at home. Patch finishes up his first year of preschool at the end of this month. He has enjoyed it, for the most part, especially the music and art projects. Atticus is really a toddler now. He moves fast- he has this adorable little wiggly jog and always has quite the agenda, which most often involves making messes or eating snacks. He is starting to have a few words, along with his handful of signs, which is exciting. Watching someone learn how to talk is always such a fun and humorous time.
I will leave you with a few new pictures of my boys, playing superhero on my bed.

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