Monday, October 5, 2009

More of that baby

So, like usual, I am here to plead my case of extreme busy-ness, which has been exacerbated by a baby that now crawls. Yes, crawls. Not too quickly yet, but he is really on the go now. He no longer rolls to get places, ending up somewhere quite differently then he had originally intended. (Such is the nature of rolling as a mode of transport. Not too accurate). Now he can spy something small and choke-able from across the room and head straight for it. And since the computer lives in the same room as all the legos, I no longer spend any time in here, it being chock full of small, colorful pieces of plastic that an 8 month old would just love to get into his mouth.

And, as usual, when I find myself with some quiet time to blog, like now, it is because it is late and the children are in bed, and I'm tired and also want to get into bed.

So, instead of filling you all in on our current news, or even another summer flashback installment, I will opt for the easy way out and just post some more dang cute photos of my baby. Because I know that's really what you come here to see anyway!

Technically these are a summer flashback, as they were taken in August, before the advent of the crawling...ah those were the good ol' days...


Jill + Sada said...

Love the outfit Atti!

Jennifer Armstrong Hicks said...

Your yungun's are so adorable!! I know your mom and dad are having such a great time being grandparents!
Love checking out your posts! I wish I could update more frequently (it's been over a month since my last one!! ugh--facebook sucked me in!)