Wednesday, March 13, 2013


My boy Sam is eleven, and has been for a few weeks now. The boys do not read this blog, so he does not know that I have been remiss in putting up his birthday post. Partially, this is due to general birthday exhaustion, and life just getting in the way. But I think it is also due to a bit of confusion on my part as to what to write about 11.  It is definitely an in between age. Not a kid any longer, but not yet a teen…has there been a pop song written about the tween years yet? If not, maybe I'll jump into the fray.

So far, Sam at eleven is…well, mostly like Sam has always been. Kind, easy going, energetic, and mellow. But with more attitude. Sometimes, much more attitude. He gets annoyed at his brothers more readily these days, although most days I can hardly fault him for this. He also gets annoyed at Jeff and I often- what with us asking him to change his socks on a regular basis and play his violin, we are, I'm sure,  so totally annoying!! 

A girl called him the other day. They went, with her mom, out for a bike ride, and had pizza. It kind of seemed like a date and when they dropped him off, the girl smiled at him in this dazzling way that made me feel kind of like- Hey, you hussy, that is my boy! But, of course, i just smiled and thanked them for having him for the afternoon.

So, I think that these years are probably confusing for both the kid and the parents. Overall, though, I am so thankful for Sam. He has taught me so much over these past 11 years. He is such a good person. We are all so lucky to have him, as a son, as an older brother. What an amazing person he is becoming.

Happy Eleven years around the sun, Samuel!!


Unknown said...

Very sweet sentiment Jess.

Unknown said...

Very sweet sentiment Jess.